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Meet the Winter 2022 JLMS Selection Committee!

1/12/2022, 7:00:00 PM

The burden of distributing the John Lazeez Memorial Scholarship is not one we take lightly. So, we are proud to announce we have brought on the finest talent immediately available to help make this important choice. Our judges are incredibly diverse, coming from both the public and private sector, and both the fictional and non-fictional realms. Without further ado: meet the JLMS Winter 2022 Selection Committee.

OJ Simpson is perhaps one of the most famous men in America. He brings much-needed knowhow in athletics and sports to our team. But, his talents don't end there. He also offers up close and personal experience with the law and justice system.

After Edward Snowden exposed the largest mass surveillance program in history, the natural next step was joining the JLMS selection team. Snowden offers expertise in computer technology and espionage. Also, since he faces near certain conviction if he ever enters the United States, Snowden also offers a permanent international presence.

Finally, Skeletor brings experience from his decades spent in the public eye. His skills in public relations and strategic planning will be invaluable to the team. In addition, his unceasing attempts to take ownership of Castle Grayskull give him proven knowledge in the field of real estate.

That's our team! These luminaries in their fields will select our winning recipients by the end of Winter 2022.